25.04. - 15.06.
screening at Lindenstrasse 35 Berlin,
daily, 8 – 10 pm

Ryszard Wasko
A-B-C-D-E-F=1-36, 1973, 6:25 min

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In A-B-C-D-E-F=1-36 Wasko uses a custom-built board with 36 fields, across which the ´gaze´ of the film camera travels, to conduct a series of film recordings based on instructions from a score previously earlier created. In this manner, the artist created a laboratory research space in which he could test particular camera movements and their combinations as well as the manner in which they create space in a film. With time, his projects became ever more complex. This attempt to catalog all possible camera movements and to exhaust all their combinations, which formed the basis of the project, soon proved to be a utopian endeavor.