25.04. - 15.06.
screening at Lindenstrasse 35 Berlin,
daily, 8 – 10 pm

Józef Robakowski
Attention: Light!, 2004, 5:00 min

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Attention: Light! is based on an idea for a film created by Robakowski and his friend, the artist Paul Sharits in 1981. Due to Polish martial law being imposed in 1981, the project was stopped and Sharits left Poland. After a long term correspondance, Sharits eventually mailed Robakowski a detailed score of the project, which was to be a visual rendition of the Mazurka in F minor, Op.68, #4, Frederick Chopin´s very last composition. The resulting film that Robakowski created with Wladyslaw Michalak in 2004 after Sharits death has the same length as the Chopin composition. Relating the visual work to the score was also of upmost importance for the artists, and only pure colours, among them pulsing pink, red, blue and green, are used. Every note has the same colour, which remains the same throughout the entire composition. Furthermore, the intensity of the colours was increased by linking it with the volume. In all, there are four variables controlling the image: hue, contrast, velocity, and tone. The work perhaps best captures Robakowski´s sought after "purity" in film, while also indicating his close relationship to Sharits and other structural film peers in the US.