Eva Meyer and Eran Schaerf collaborate since 1997 on films, radio dramas, and writing. Among their mutual projects are "In the Habit. A Set Piece”, 1997 (Istanbul Modern), "Documentary Credit”, 1998 (Rotterdam Film Festival), "Gedächtnis zu zweit. For the Performance of Europe", 2000 (Kunstverein München, ZKM Karlsruhe, Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation / Dept. Radio Plays and Media Arts), "Europe from Afar”, 2001 (4. International Biennale for Film and Architecture, Graz), "Flashforward”, 2004 (Utopia Station, Munich), "She Might Belong to You”, 2007 (Sculpture Projects Muenster 07), "My Memory is Watching Me” 2008 (Ambulante, Gira de documentales, Mexico), "What Does Art Know? (On Knowledge Production, basis voor aktuele kunst, Untrecht), "Pro Testing”, 2010 (VOX Centre de L’image, Montreal), "Automontage”, 2011 (Les complices*, Zürich), "The Theater of Publishing”, 2018 (John Hopkins University Baltimore), „Only Six Can Play this Game", 2020 (Droste Festival), "Levantinism: The Anachronic Possibilities of a Concept”, 2021 (BAKonline/Prospections).
Photo credit: Gunnar Vos. Eva Meyer and Eran Schaerf on the set of "My Memory is Watching Me”.